I recently published a blog post about a web part that I use on the workbench page during development. I have this solution deployed on my dev tenant and simply add it to the bottom of the Workbench page. It allows me to work around some workbench limitations when building the UI of SPFx web parts.
I have recently updated this web part and added it to the PnP web part samples project on GitHub. You can get the code here:
The previous version of the web part allowed you to enable/disable specific CSS overrides. Those overrides were dynamically imported on the page based on your settings. When all the overrides were enabled, the Workbench page would have an interface similar to a modern page. For this to happen, the web part would remove extra margins and add extra styles.
Additionally, the web part now also has a switch button to enable page preview mode by default. When this is enabled, right after the page loads, the web part simulates a click on the Preview button at the top of the page and the editing experience is replaced with the preview.

This is really great when testing smaller screen resolutions as the workbench no longer displays a message telling you to “Widen your browser window”. You can see the difference in the images below

Give it a try and let me know if you have any feedback. Happy coding 🙂
One little update (in addition to your newest, simplified update). Add in the updated CanvasControlToolbar style so that the floating left edit toolbar isn’t hanging off the page. Default is -40px just so it’s out there.
:global {
.CanvasComponent {
.CanvasZone {
max-width: 100%;
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
.CanvasSection {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
.ControlZone {
padding: 0;
.CanvasControlToolbar {
left: -32px;
Hi Clint, thank you. I will give it a try and include it within the PnP sample solution (alternatively feel free to send a pull request to the PnP repository 🙂 )
Many thanks for this. Just tested it and submitted a pull-request with the change to the main PnP repository